Copyright 21eme Regiment de Ligne
Pike And Shot Tour & Event Company
16th International Napoleonic Fair
Participants Information Sheet
Kingston Maurward House is situated near Dorchester, just off the A35 in Dorset. There are brown signposts to the Gardens & Animal Farm, and Green College signs from the roundabout on the major route (A35). For those who use multimap the postcode of the House is DT2 8PY. When you arrive please follow signs to the Event control office, and report to the check in desk.
Booking In:
Every participant needs to book in when turning up. Please have your Group membership documentation with you on arrival. All participants who receive this sheet by E-Mail and have any questions, please contact us on 01305 775506 or Mobile 07771 824495
Set up is as follows:
Access to Grounds for Event setup
Thursday from 12:00hrs onwards. Early arrivals please let us know by E-Mail when you intend to turn up.
Friday 09:00 – 00:00hrs.
Saturday/Sunday from 06:00hrs (Event opens to public at 10:00hrs – 16:00hrs)
Modern campsite is on left hand side of the entrance road, signposted for Participants.
Living History campsites are on both sides of the entry road, signposted for Living History Campsites
Booking in will be available at the Control tent.
If you arrive after hours, please book in with a member of P.A.S.T.E. as soon as possible.
Camp Site open/closing times:
All campsites available from 12:00hrs on Thursday, October 1st for set up. All campsites close by 19:00hrs on Sunday, October 4th.
On Friday, October 2nd an Educational Open day is taking place at the house, so we have a vehicle movement restriction in certain areas from 10:30hrs to 14:30 hrs in the Grounds.
Site Security:
The footpaths through the Grounds are open to the public 24/7. There will be a Security Guard over the weekend in the house, and the building will be locked after 18:00hrs.
Outside the house, security will be your own responsibility, which is why every
participant must ensure that they have booked in with the site. Please ensure that you comply with any Staff requests. We will not tolerate physical or verbal abuse towards our staff.
We have been asked by the House for participants to keep dogs under control at all times as there are sheep & other livestock grazing in the area. There are many paths for exercising pets, so please ask our staff for details.
Toilets and water are available on the site. All Vehicles need to be parked in the designated area after you’ve finished unpacking.
There will be restricted movement of Vehicles for the duration of the public opening hours (10.00 to 16.00 daily). Please ask a member of the team for advice if you need to exit the site during these times.
The College restaurant will be serving breakfasts and lunches to participants Friday, Saturday, and Sunday morning at a reasonable price.
A mobile unit is offering food during the opening times of the event on Saturday & Sunday, and local shops (Tesco 24/7 Store, plus Dorchester Town Centre), many different Takeaways and pubs are within a ten minute drive in the town. There is a local taxi service available (please ask staff for details) for those without a tee total driver!
There should be a bar open in the grounds on Saturday evening.
If you want a fire on your camping area, you can liaise with us. Raised fires please. Wood will be supplied if we know about you! All fires to be roped off!
One last thing….
Site layout & further info will be available from The Pike And Shot Tour & Event
Company Site HQ.
If you have any questions about the format of the Event, or any worries, then call Dave
Allan on the number below. We hope you have a great event!
Dave Allan – 01305 775506 or Mobile: 07880 743868
Pike And Shot Tour & Event Company
16th International Napoleonic Fair
www.internationalnapoleonicfair.co.uk October 3rd to 4th 2009
I declare that I/ my Group hold adequate Public Liability Insurance for my intended activities
Please bring this pass to the Event Control Office on arrival at site
Chris Perko
Algrave Hall
Hassock Lane North
Derbyshire DE75 7JB |
Chris Durkin
7 Lowcroft Crescent
Oldham OL9 9UU |
25th May
1790 Regiment Guyenne at Lyon
1792: Journal militaire:1st battalion arrived Besancon
1793 Landau, siege until 28th December.
1794 At Nice, General Kellerman formed a Polish battalion with men found in the 21eme demi-brigade, 9 companies of 3 officers and 70 men.
1796 Evening, Massena's division (21e) along left bank of the Ellero, from Mondovi to the Tanaro.
1798 Into garrison at Amiens, 2nd battalion at Nantes (formed March 1797), 3rd at Dunkirk
1799 Magnano, towards Brescia.
1800 Pas de Suse, and town of Suse.
1801 Battalion expeditionnaire formed on the Ile de Re, with 140 of the 21eme, 106 56th Line, 59 5th Light, 58 Colonial depot Ile de re, 28 legion Loire, 119 cannoniers 5th Foot artillery, on the frigate l'Africaine.
1803 Bruges Camp/Ostend, 3/4 battalions Flessigne until July 1804.
1804 3rd and 4th battalions to Cologne.
1805 Crossed the Danube at Pressberg, one battalion at Bruick, other in villages of Regelbrun, Arbestal, Collesbrunn, Willfersnauer, and Schadendorf, until 5th January 1806.
1806 Division Kreus Munster
1807 Division at the Hohenstein camp until 5th June.
1808 Juliers
1809 Division left Ebersdorf for Vienna
1810 Brunswick, until October.
1811 Stade
1812 Division Thorn
1813 Order to form 1st Corps, 1st division, 33rd Provisional demi-brigade (2/12, 2/21) forming near Erfurth, united into corps at Wittenberg.
1814 Bergen op Zoom
1815 Lille
1815 Between Quatre-Bras and Waterloo. |
Boulogne 1991 on the Video page. |