220. The instructor shall, then, command,
Directing sergeants to your=places (Guides=a vos places)
221. At this command, the chief of platoon will take his post on the right of the platoon; the covering sergeant shall take his place in the rear rank, covering the chief of platoon; and the directing sergeant of the second subdivision, will retire to the supernumerary rank.
Remarks on the movement of wheeling up into line to the left or right, from open column.
Observations relatives au mouvement de se former a gauche, ou a droite, en bataille.
222. The instructor can dispense with giving the word, right, or left=dress, (alignement a droite or a gauche), previous to commanding, to the left, or, to the right wheel into line, (a gauche, or, a droite en bataille), unless it may have become necessary, by rectifying the position of the directors, that the subdivisions should incline, laterally, to the right or left.
223. The instructor, previous to commanding, to the left (or right), wheel into line, (a gauche or a droite en bataille), ought to see that the rear subdivision has its proper column distance. This attention is important, as it habituates the directors never to neglect so very essential a point.
Lesson VI.
Lecon VI
Article I
To break off files, and to move them up again to the front.
Mettre des files en arriere, et les faire rentrer en ligne.
224. The platoon marching, and supposed to constitute a part of a column, with the right, or left, in front, and the instructor intending to break off files, shall give an order, to that effect, to the chief of platoon, who will, immediately, face his platoon, and command,
1.Break off one file on the right, (Une file de droite, ou, de gauche en arriere)
or, on the right.
2. =March. (=Marche)
(Plate XIII. Figure 
225. At the word of command, march, (marche), the first file on the right, or the first file on the left, will mark time, and the others will continue to march on; the man of the rear rank of that file shall move, as soon as the rear rank of the platoon shall have passed him, to the left, if it is a file of the right, to the right, if it is a file of the left, and shall place himself behind the third file from the flank then marching on; the man of the centre rank shall, likewise, move behind the second file, and the man of the front rank, likewise, behind the first file, at the instant when the rear of the platoon shall pass to his front; and each man of the file will move to his indicated situation, by bringing forward, a little, the outward shoulder, taking great care not to lose his distance, by falling too far behind.
226. The instructor seeing it necessary to break off another file, and having given an order, to that effect, to the chief of platoon, this last shall give the former orders for breaking off a file.
(Plate XIII. Figure 9)
227. At the word, march, (marche), by the chief of platoon, the file already broke off, and in the rear, advancing the exterior shoulder, a little, if a file of the left; to the left, if a file of the right, by contracting the step, in order to make room for the new file in its front; and the new file will break off in the same manner as the first did.
228. The instructor shall, thus, be enabled to diminish, successively, the front of the platoon, by as many files as he may judge necessary, always breaking off new files from the same flank, till three files, only, remain forming the front.
229. The supernumerary rank shall arrange themselves behind the part of the platoon that has not diminished itself, by breaking off files.
230. When the instructor sees it necessary to direct some files in the rear, to form up, he will order the chief of platoon to this effect this, by the following words of command:
1. One file of the right (or left), to the front. (Une file de droite (ou a gauche) en ligne)
2. March. (Marche)
(Plate XIII. Figure 10)
231. On the word, march, (marche), the first file of those broke off and marching behind the flank, shall move up, quickly to the front, and the files in the rear, shall, by bringing forward the right shoulder, incline the space, or breadth, of one file to the left, if it is behind the left flank that the files are; or shall, by bringing forward the left shoulder, incline the space of one file to the right, if it is behind the right flank that the files broke off are placed.
232. The chief of platoon facing towards it, will see that the movement is executed according to the prescribed rules.
(Plate XIII. Figure 11)
233. The instructor having, thus, caused files to break off, and form up, successively, will order that two or three files shall break off together, or at the same time; the number of named files will mark time, each rank, when the rear of the platoon has passed it, shall bring forward, a little, the exterior shoulder, shall oblique together, and shall place itself behind one of the three nearest files, as if the movement were executed by the number of files, file by file, observing not to lose the distance.
234. The instructor will, afterwards, order the chief of platoon to cause two or three files, at the same time, to the front; and, for this purpose, the chief of platoon commands,
1. Three first files to the front. (Trois premieres files en ligne)
2. =March. (=Marche)
(Plate XIII. Figure 12)
235. The named files will move up, quickly, over the shortest lines leading to their places.
236. As often as files are broken off, the directing sergeant on the flank, shall close in to that flank, to the right, or left, in proportion as the front diminishes, so as to be always close to the flank of the platoon from which a file, or files, have been broke off; and he will incline off from the flank, in proportion as files are ordered to move up.
Remarks on the movement of breaking off files to diminish the front, and on ordering them again to the front.
Observations relatives au mouvement de faire mettre des files en arriere, et de les faire rentrer en ligne.
237. It is of the greatest importance with respect to the preservation of distances in a column of route composed of several battalions, to accustom the soldiers, in inculcating the minute details of discipline, to go through these movements with the utmost precision.
238. If, when new files are broke off, they do not step out well in obliquing; and if. When coming up again to the front, they do not move, quickly, they would, in either case, stop the progress of the files already in the rear, which would occasion a loss of distance, and a lengthening out of the column.
239. The instructor is to place himself on the flank where the movement is executing, to ascertain the accuracy of the detail of the rules.
240. The instructor will observe, that by, successively, throwing files to the rear of the same flank, the front may be reduced to three files, behind which the broken off files march, en potence.
241. But if, in lieu of breaking off files from only one flank, they were broke off from both flanks at once, which will, occasionally, be requisite, in that case the front could not be reduced under six files, as three files on either side of the centre are necessary to enable the files broke off from each flank to march behind them, en potence; if, in this state of things, a want of space rendered a farther diminution of front to five, or four files, necessary, a thing the instructor mus sometimes suppose and practise, he would order all the files in the rear of the flank opposite to that the director is on, to move up, together, to the front, and break off, at the same time, from the flank the director is on, an equal number of new files ordered up into line on the other flank; as, for example, in the case of a column with the right in front, (the platoon being supposed to be composed of twelve files, of whom three are broke off, being en potence behind each flank), the want of room requiring a reduction of front to five files; the instructor shall cause the three files behind the right flank to move up to the front, and at the same time, four new files to break off, together, from the left flank, which reduces the front to five: to facilitate the execution of this movement, the two files which do not break off, and undergo no change, must oblique considerably to the left, in order that the three files behind the right flank who are supposed to have the edge of the defile close to their right, may have room made for them to move up to the front.
Second Article.
Article II
To march in column of route, and to execute the various file movements prescribed in the preceding article.
Marcher en colonne au pas de route, et executer, les divers mouvemens de file prescrits dans l'artcle precedent.
242. The platoon being halted, and supposed to form part of a column, the instructor shall give the following words of command, to make the column march at ease.
1. The column will advance. (Colonne en avant)
2. Director on the left (or right) (Guide a gauche, or a droite)
or march by the left, or right.
3. March at ease, (easy step, (Pas de route)
unconstrained step.)
4.= March. (=Marche)
243. On the word march, (marche), repeated by the chief of platoon, the three ranks step off together; the centre and rear ranks shall, marching, take open order, to about the distance of three feet from rank to rank, which being effected, the instructor shall command,
5. Slope=arms. (L'arme=a volonte)
244. At this word, the soldiers shall slope arms, as has been prescribed under number 120 of the, Ecole du soldat, and will no longer be required to march with a cadenced step, nor to keep silence: the files march at ease; but the ranks must never intermix, and the men of the front rank must never be farther adavnced to the front than the director who is on the pivot flank; and the centre and rear ranks must, respecively, keep at the distance of about three feet, from the rank immediately in front of them.
245. Were the column marching with the cadenced step, the route step of ease marching, would be assumed from the following words of command.
1. The column will march at ease. (Pas de route)
2. =March. (=Marche)
246. On the word, march, (marche), the front rank continues to march the step of two feet, and the centre and rear ranks shall take open order, on the march, to the distance of about three feet from rank to rank; and the instructor shall, then, order
Slope=arms. (L'arme =a volonte)
Which will be done as directed.
247. The soldiers marching at ease, the instructor shall cause the direction of the column to be changes on the pivot, or on the reverse flank, which is to executed without a formal word of command, and simply on a caution given by the chief of platoon; the centre and rear ranks will, successively, when on the spot where the front rank effected the change, wheel on a moveable pivot, or turn to the right or left, conforming, though marching at ease, to the principles which have been detailed for changing the direction at close order, and marching with the cadenced step, with this only difference that in changes of direction on the reverse flank, the pivot-man takes steps of one foot, instead of six inches, in order to clear, or disengage, the wheeling point.
248. The instructor shall also direct the men to be exercised in the various file-movements detailed in the preceding article, strictly according to the rules mentioned therein; and he will, sometimes, close ranks, by directing the chief of platoon to give the words.
1.Rear ranks take close order. (Serrez vos rangs
2. =March. (=Marche)
249. At the word, march, (marche), the front rank shall resume the cadenced step; the centre and rear ranks, and also the files which may be behind the flanks broke off, shall quickly, close up, taking up, afterwards, the cadenced step; and the three ranks will support arms.
250. When the platoon marching at ease, halts, the centre and rear ranks shall close up, at the word halt, (halte), and the men will support arms:- Were the platoon marching at closed at closed ranks, if halted, arms would be carried. This rule is general, whatever may be the number of platoons.
251. The number of steps per minute, taken in column of route, in the Ecole de peloton, shall be 76 in order to confirm the soldier, more and more, in stepping the number; but, in the Ecole de bataillon, the number of steps to be taken in a minute, may amount to 85, or 90, which ought to be the habitual rate of march of a column of route, whenever the nature of the country and of the roads shall admit of it.
Article III
Diminishing and increasing the front of a column of companies, on the march.
Rompre et former le peloton
(Plate IX. Figure 1)
To form subdivisions.
Rompre le peloton
252. The platoon marching with the cadenced step, and being supposed to form a part of a column with the right in front, the instructor, in order to form subdivisions, will give the order for the purpose to the chief of platoon, who is to comma
1.Form subdivisions (Rompez le peloton)
The chief of platoon takes post before the centre of the first subdivision.
253. The chief of the second subdivision, placed in its rear, shall, on hearing the last word of command, post himself, also, before its centre, where, when arrived, he will command
1.Mark time. (Marquez le pas)
254. The chief of platoon will then command,
2. =March. (=Marche)
255. The first subdivision is to continue to march straight forward, and the covering sergeant shall place himself on its left flank; when that flank separates, or is clear of the right flank of the left subdivision marking time, the sergeant passing to his place along the front of the first subdivision.
256. On the word, march, (marche), given by the chief of platoon, the second subdivision is to mark time on a caution given by its chief, and shall, likewise, oblique to the right, as soon as the rear rank of the first subdivision shall have passed beyond its front.
257. The director on the left of the second subdivision having nearly arrived on the line of direction of the first, the chief of the second subdivision shall command, forw ard, (en avant), and March, (Marche), at the instant when the director of the subdivision covers the director of the first.
258. The formation of subdivisions, when the left is in front, is effected by inversion of means of procedure; that is, the first, or right subdivision, goes through the contrary movements prescribe, above, for the left subdivision, which, during the movement, marches steadily forward.
259. On the supposition of the left being in front, the director of the left of the platoon shall move to the right flank of the second subdivision, when clear of the left flank of the other subdivision; and the covering sergeant on the right flank of the first subdivision, remains there.
To Form the Platoon
Former le Peloton
260. The column marching in subdivisions, with the right in front, the instructor, intending to form the platoon will order the chief of platoon to effect this by these words of command,
1. Form platoon. (Formez le peloton)
Plate IX. Figure 2.
261. The chief of platoon having given this word, is to caution the first subdivision to prepare to oblique to the right.
262. The chief of the second subdivision shall warn the subdivision to continue to march, steadily, straight forward.
263. The chief of platoon will, then, command,
2. =March. (=Marche)
264. On this word, repeated by the chief of the second subdivision, the first shall oblique to the right to uncover the second, and the covering sergeant, placed on the left flank of the first subdivision, will move to its right, passing, for this purpose, along its front.
265. When the first subdivision shall have, nearly uncovered, or cleared the front of the second, the chief of platoon is to give the word forward, (en avant), and that of March, (Marche), at the instant when his subdivision has completely uncovered the second that is marching steadily on.
266. During this operation, the second subdivision is to continue to march straight forward, in ordinary time, or at the original rate of march, and the first, after uncovering the second subdivision, shall mark time, waiting for the second, to which it shall unite, when up to it.
267. The platoon is formed, when the left is in front, by reversing this procedure; that is, the second, or left subdivision, goes through the opposite movements just prescribed for the right subdivision, which, during the movement, would continue to march, steadily, on.
268. In this case of the left in front, the director of the second subdivision, placed on the right flank of it, shall move to the left flank, when the obliquing commences; and the director of the first subdivision, place on its right flank, shall remain there.
269. The instructor will, afterwards, exercise the platoon in increasing and diminishing its front, when marching at ease, in column of route; which shall be effected by the same words of command, and by similar means of execution, as when marching with the cadenced step, with this only difference, that the subdivision which obliques, each man will half face to the right, (or right), (demi-a-droite, or,a-gauche), instead of maintaining the squarness of the shoulders to the front, as is required in obliquing, when marching regularly, with a cadenced step.
270. The instructor shall, sometimes, also, cause the platoon to diminish and increase its front, by the prescribed words of command, which he himself shall give, in lieu of the chief of platoon.
Remarks on the movement of increasing and diminishing the front of a platoon.
Observations relatives au mouvement de rompre et former le peloton.
271. In both operations, it is necessary that the subdivisions should step out well in obliquing, to avoid losing ground, and in order not to impede the march of the subdivision which is following.
272. If, in diminishing the front of the platoon, the subdivision that is to break off by obliquing, marked time too long, it might impede the following platoon in its march, which would produce a lengthening out of the column.
273. If, in diminishing or increasing the front of the platoon, the subdivisions obliqued too long a time, they would be under a necessity, afterwards, in order to rectify this error, of obliquing in a contrary direction, and by that means, the succeeding platoon might be interrupted in its march.
274. When in a column of several platoons, the diminution of the front takes place successively, it is of the last importance that each platoon should continue to march at the same rate, without stepping short, or altering the time, while the preceding platoon is going through the movement of diminution, though even the succeeding platoon should be obliged to close up, entirely, to the platoon diminishing: and this attention is indispensable to prevent a lengthening out of the column.
275. Errors of small magnitude in a column consisting of a few platoons, would be attended with serious inconveniences in a column of several platoons: so that the instructor ought to be extremely vigilant in observing that all the prescribed rules and principles are strictly adhered to; and for this purpose, he must place himself on the pivot flank of the column, in order the better to observe all the movements.
Article IV
276. The platoon being halted, and supposed to constitute part of a column with the right in front, the instructor, in order to make it countermarch, will command,
Plate IX. Figure 3.
1. Countermarch. (Contre-marche)
2. The platoon will face to the right. (Peloton par le flanc droit)
3. To the right=face. (=A droite)
4. To the left countermarch. (Par file a gauche)
5. =March. (=Marche)
277. At the third command, the platoon is to face to the right; the chief of platoon shall move to the side of the director of the right; and the director of the left, shall face to the right about.
278. On the word, march, (marche), the director of the left is not to move; the platoon will step off smartly; the leading file conducted by the chief of platoon, must wheel to the left about, moving along the front rank now marching in file, so as to arrive at the distance of two paces in rear of the director of the left, who has not moved, nor followed the platoon; each file shall wheel, successively, on the same ground as the leading file wheeled on, and in the same manner; and when the leading file has arrived as far as the director of the left, the chief of platoon must command,
1. Platoon. (Peloton)
2. =Halt. (=Halte)
3. =Front. (=Front)
4. Right=dress. (A droite =alignement)
279. The first word of command is to be given, when the leading file is within two paces of the point where the platoon ought to halt.
280. On the second word, the platoon is to halt.
281. On the third word, the platoon shall face to the side the front rank is on.
282. At the fourth word, the platoon shall move up to the alignment marked by the position of the director of the left; the man on the right of the front rank shall place himself to the left, and by the side of the director; the chief of platoon will place himself at the distance of two paces on the outside, or to the right, of the director, in order to direct the alignment; when effected, he must command (eyes) front, (fixe), placing himself before the centre of the platoon: the covering sergeant shall, then place himself on the right of the front rank; and the director of the left, who was there, shall move to his place, to the left of the front rank.
283. In a column with the left in front, the countermarch would be executed on the same principles, but by the contrary words of command, and modes of procedure; and, accordingly, the facing is to the right, and the counterfacing is to the left, and the countermarch to the right about, if the left is in front, always countermarching before the front.
284. Finally, if it was a column of subdivisions, the countermarch would be executed by the same words of command, and in the same manner, as in a column of platoons.
Article V
To form to either flank, from open column of subdivisions
Etant en colonne par section, se former sur la droite, ou sur la gauche en bataille.
285. To form the column of subdivisions, marching with the right in front, to the right flank, the instructor must command,
1. Right form platoon. (Sur la droite en bataille)
2. Director to the right. (Guide a droite)
286. At the second word of command, the director of each subdivision shall move, nimbly, to the right flank of his subdivision, and the soldiers shall take the light touch of the elbow from the right; and the column will continue to march straight forward.
287. The instructor having given the second word of command, shall move, actively, to the point where the right of the platoon is to rest in line; and shall place himself there, facing to the left of the new line he has chosen.
288. The line fixed on, ought to be so situated, that each subdivision, after having turned to the right, with the left shoulders forward, may have, after so wheeling, at least four paces, or steps, to march up to the line.
289. The head of the column having arrived, nearly, as far as the instructor; placed at the point of appui; the chief of the first subdivision will command,
1. Turn to the right (Tournez a droite)
(left shoulders forward)
290. And when it shall be opposite to the instructor, the chief of subdivision shall command,
2. =March. (=Marche)
291. On the word march, (marche), the first subdivision shall turn to the right into this species of wheel, conforming to the directions given in the Ecole du soldat, under number 270; it shall then move to its front; the director shall conduct himself in such a manner, that the man of the front rank next to him, and by his side, arrives opposite to the instructor; the chief of the platoon is to march two paces in front of the centre of the first subdivision; and when it arrives at the situation of the instructor, he (the chief of platoon), shall command,
1. Subdivision. (Section)
2. =Halt. (=Halte)
292. At the word, halt, (halte), the subdivision is to halt; the director shall, immediately on that, move along the new line till opposite to one of the three files on the left of his subdivision; he shall face towards the instructor, who shall align him on the point of formation to the left: and the chief of platoon is to move, at the same time, to the point where the right will rest when dressed up, commanding, when there,
Right=dress. (A droite=alignement)
293. At this word, the first subdivision is to dress forward.
294. The second subdivision shall continue to march straight on until it arrives opposite to the left flank of the first, when, by command from its chief, it will turn, or wheel to the right, and move up, then, towards the line, the director conducting his march on the left file of the first division.
295. The second subdivision being arrived within two paces of the line, shall be halted by its chief, by the same commands prescribed for the first; at the instant of halting, the director is to spring forward, nimbly, placing himself on the line of formation, facing the director of the first subdivision; the instructor shall direct him to move to the right, or left, till he is on the line; and the director must take care to be opposite to one of the three files on the left of his subdivision.
296. The chief of the second subdivision, seeing his director established on the line, shall command,
Right forward=dress. (A droite=alignement)
297. The chief of the second subdivision, after giving this order, shall retire to the supernumerary rank; and the second subdivision is tom dress up to the first.
298. The man of each subdivision who is opposite to the director placed before him, shall, in dressing, gently lean his breast against the arm of the director, at the moment of coming up to the line.
299. The instructor, on seeing the platoon in line, is to give the word of command,
Directors to your=places. (Guides=a vos places)
300. At this word of command, the covering sergeant shall go to his situation, covering the chief of platoon; and the director of the second subdivision will retire to the supernumerary rank.
301. A column of subdivisions, with the left in front, will form to the left flank, (sur la gauche en bataille), on the same principles; and the instructor shall command,
1. Left form platoon. (Sur la gauche en bataille)
2. Director to the left. (Guide a gauche)
302. On the second word of command, the director of each subdivision, shall step, nimbly, to the left of it; the soldiers shall keep up, and take the touch of the elbow from the left, and the column is to continue to march straight forward.
303. The instructor having given the second word of command, shall proceed, quickly, to the point where the left of the line is to rest, placing himself facing the point of formation he has fixed on, to the right.
304. The instructor shall choose the new line in such a manner, that each subdivision, after having turned to the left, (into the wheel on this principle), shall have, at least four steps to take to the front, to bring it up to the line.
305. The head of the column having nearly arrived opposite to the instructor placed at the front of appui, the chief of the second (the leading) subdivision, must command,
Turn to the left (Tournez a gauche)
(Right shoulders forward)
and when the subdivision shall have arrived, exactly opposite to the instructor, the chief of the platoon is to command,
=March. (=Marche)
306. At the word, march, (marche), the second, or leading subdivision shall turn to the left, right shouldering forward, and conforming to the directions given in the Ecole du soldat, number 270, moving, after wheeling, direct to the front; the director shall conduct the march so that the man of the front rank next to him, arrives opposite to the instructor; the chief of the subdivision is to march in front of the centre of it; and when the second, or leading subdivision, shall have marched, nearly, up to the instructor, its chief shall command,
1.Subdivision (Section)
2. =Halt. (=Halte)
307. At the word, halt, (halte), the second, or leading subdivision, shall halt; the director shall, immediately, move up to, and on the line opposite to one of the three files on the right of his subdivision; there he shall face the instructor, who will align him on the distant point of formation to the right; and the chief of the second subdivision shall, at the same time, move to the point where the left of the platoon shall rest, when dressed forward, commanding, when so situated,
Left forward=dress. (A gauche=alignement)
308. At this command, the second, or leading subdivision, shall align; the man of the front rank who is opposite to the director, shall, gently, bear his breast against the left arm of the director; and the chief of the second subdivision, shall direct the dressing of this man.
309. The first subdivision shall continue to march straight forward, until arrived opposite to the right flank of the second, now in line; it shall, then, turn to the left into a wheel, on receiving a command from its chief, marching, after wheeling, to its front: and the director shall march on the right file of the second subdivision.
310. The first subdivision being arrived within two paces of the line, must be halted by its chief, by the same words of command used in halting the second; at the instant of halting, the director of it shall spring forward on the line of formation, facing the director of the second subdivision in line: the instructor shall, by signal, or otherwise, place him, accurately, on the line; the director must observe that he is to place himself opposite to one of the three files on the right of his subdivision. The chief of platoon shall proceed, at the same time, to the left of the platoon, to the place where the chief of the second subdivision is, on which the latter shall retire to the supernumerary rank.
311. The chief of platoon having placed himself on the left of his platoon, will immediately command,
Left forward=dress. (A gauche=alignement)
312. At this command, the first subdivision shall dress up to the line; and the chief of platoon shall direct the alignment on the man on the right who bears his breast, lightly, against the left arm of the director of the subdivision.
313. The platoon being in line, the instructor shall command,
Directors to your=places. (Guides=a vos places)
314. At this word of command, the chief of platoon shall proceed to his post, on the right pf the platoon; the covering sergeant shall move, and cover him in the rear rank; and the director of the second subdivision is to retire to the supernumerary rank.
General observations on the Discipline of the Platoon
Observations generales relatives a l'Ecole du Peloton
315. In going through the four last lessons, the instructor shall often order the platoon to support arms, and will accustom the men to march thus, with the same regularity and precision as if arms were shouldered, which will, at once, prevent fatigue, and a negligence in the position of shouldered arms, that, always, ought to be accurate and regular. When the men support arms marching, they may be permitted either to let the right hand remain at the small stock of the firelock, or to let it fall to the side, according as they may find either position most convenient.
316. The soldiers may also, when marching at ease, carry their arms in the manner they shall find most convenient, taking care only, that the muzzle is sufficiently elevated to prevent accidents.
317. When the companies are to be exercised separately, but at the same time, according to the detail of the Ecole du Peloton, the commandant of the regiment, or of the battalion, if it is a single battalion, shall point out the lesson, or lessons, which are to be gone through, and he shall, by a roll of the drum, give the signal for the whole to commence together. When the companies shall have finished each lesson, they are to order arms; and when the commandant of the regiment, or battalion, may wish them to recommence, he shall order another ruffle.