Seconde Leçon
Platoon Exercises
Management of Arms
Maniement des Armes
54. The platoon exercise shall be taught three men in a rank, with their elbows touching, and to the same afterwards in file.
55. The execution of each command shall be in consequence of one time, denoting the word of command divided into distinct motions, in order to impress the component parts more strongly on the minds of the recruits.
56. On hearing the last syllable of the word of command, the recruit shall execute the intended motion lively and smartly. On hearing the respective words two (deux), and three (trois), the remaining motions shall be gone through. When the recruit shall know thoroughly the position relating to each motion included in a word of command, they shall be instructed how to execute them without dwelling on each separately; but they must observe the mechanism of the motions, to be confirmed in the use of arms; and to avoid the inconvenience resulting from what is termed an unseen shifting of the musket, as if by slight of hand, from the proper into an inaccurate position.
57. The platoon exercise shall be taught in the following order of arrangement. The instructor shall give the words of command;
Load by the Twelve Words of Command
Charge en Douze Temps
1.Load =Arms (Chargez=vos Armes)
(Prime and load)
One word, and two motions.
First Motion
58. Half face to the right, on the left heel, placing at the same time the right foot square behind the left heel, the buckle resting against that heel: turn the musket with the left hand, the lock outwards, at the same time, seizing the small stock with the right hand, the musket being detached from the shoulder, and supported, perpendicularly, on the palm of the left hand remaining under the butt.
Second Motion
59. Sink the musket into a slanting position with the right hand, the left meeting and seizing it at the first band, (at the swell, near the tail pipe), the thumb of the left hand pointing upwards along the swell, the butt under the fore part of the right arm, the breech and small-stock resting against the body, two inches nearly under the right nipple or breast; the top of the barrel as high as the eye; the guard turned a little outwards; the left elbow supported on the side at the hip; the thumb of the right hand against the top of the frizzen, above the level of the flint; and placed there when the moment of the musket is thrown into the slanting position; the four fingers of the right hand shut; and the right arm, from the elbow to the wrist lying along the butt.
2. Open =Pan (Ouvrez =le Bassinet)
One word one motion.
60. Throw open the pan with the thumb of the right hand, the left hand resting and holding the piece firmly; apply the right hand to the cartridge-box, by retiring the right elbow, and passing the hand between the butt and the body; and open the cartridge-box.
3. Handle = Cartridge (Prenez = la Cartouche )
One word and one motion.
61. Take the cartridge between the two fore- fingers and thumb, and carry it to the mouth, ready for the teeth to act, and the right hand passing between the body and the butt.

4. Tear or Bite =Cartridge (Déchirez =la Cartouche).
One word and one motion.
62 Bite off the top, to the powder, holding the cartridge firm where the powder has been uncovered, between the thumb and the two fore-fingers; sink down the cartridge, holding it perpendicularly against the pan, the palm of the right hand turned towards the body, and the right elbow supported or leaning on, and against the butt.
5. =Prime (=Amorcez)
One word and one motion
63. Sink forward the head, and look down to the pan in filling it with powder; press close the top of the cartridge at the opening, between the thumb and fore-finger; raise the head, placing the right hand behind the pan and hold the little finger, and the third finger firm against the back of the pan.
6. Shut =Pans (Fermez =le Bassinet)
One word and one motion.
64. Hold the musket firm with the left hand; shut the pan close and firmly with the two left fingers, holding always the cartridge between the thumb and the two fore-fingers; seize immediately the small stock with the first two fingers, and the palm of the right hand; keep the right wrist close to the body, and the elbow pointing to the rear, and a little detached from the body.
7. =Load (L' Arme =A Gauche)
One word and two motions
First Motion
65. With the right arm smartly stretched, without lowering the right shoulder, swing round the musket to the left thigh, against the whole length of which the butt must bear strongly, turning, at the same time, the ramrod towards the body, opening and letting the piece slip through the left hand, as far as the second band (as the middle pipe), the lock resting on the thumb of the right hand; face, at the same time; to the front, turning on the left heel, carrying the right foot forward, the heel resting against the buckle of the left.
66. Quit the musket with the right hand, sinking it with the left along and near the body, raising, at the same time, the right hand within two inches of the barrel, to the top of it; let the butt fall to the ground without striking it with any degree of shock; and let the left hand, holding the musket as described, let rest against the body, under the level of the lowest waistcoat button, the musket in contact with the left thigh, the sight on the barrel, opposite to the middle line of the body.
8. Cartridge = into the Barrel (Cartouche =dans le Canon)
One word and one motion.
67. Glance to the upper end of the barrel; turn smartly the out or upper side of the right hand towards the body, in order to discharge the powder into the barrel-mouth, for this purpose, raising the elbow as high as the wrist, shake the cartridge in turning it into the barrel, and leave the hand reversed, the fingers closed without pressure.
9. Draw =Ramrod (Tirez = la Baguette)
One word and two motions.
First Motion

68. Lower smartly the right elbow, and seize the ramrod between the thumb and fore-finger bent, keeping the other fingers shut; draw the ramrod smartly by extending the arm, with the whole of the fingers opened out seize it back-handed, at the middle, with the fore-finger and thumb, the palm of the hand outwards; turn it quickly between the bayonet and the body, at the same time closing the fingers upon it, the ramrods of the men in the centre and rear ranks, in turning, grazing the right shoulder of the men in the rank before them in the same file; the ramrod forming no angle with the line of the barrel, and parallel to the bayonet; the arm extended; the eyes looking upwards; and the thick end of the ramrod must thus be kept opposite to the mouth of the barrel, without being entered into it.
Second Motion
69. Enter the thick end of the ramrod into the barrel, and insert as far as the hand.
10. Ram=Down (=Bourrez)
One word and one motion
70. Run up the right hand to the full extent of the arm, to the top of the ramrod, without letting it fall into the barrel, seize it with the thumb opened along it, and the fore-finger bent, the other fingers being shut, drive it forcefully into the barrel, ramming home twice, seize it again by the small end, between the thumb and fore-finger, both bent, the others being shut, and let the right elbow be close to the body.
11. Return = Ramrod (Remettez = la Baguette)
One word and two motions.
First Motion
71. As in the first motion of drawing ramrod, bring the small end of it opposite to the channel of the upper band, (or trumpet-pipe), and hold it there without entering it.
Second Motion
72. Introduce the small end into the channel (trumpet-pipe), and slide it into its place; raise the right hand quickly, and place it, somewhat on the upper end of the ramrod.
One word and three motions.
First Motion
73. Raise the musket with the left hand, along the left side, the left hand as high as the shoulder, and the left elbow not parted from the body, keeping the barrel outwards; and sink down the right hand in order to seize the musket at the small stock.
Second Motion
74. Raise the musket with the right hand; let the left hand fall to seize and support the butt, carrying back, at the same time, the right heel to the side of the left, and in the same alignment, support the musket against, and at the left shoulder, with the right hand, in the position pointed out in describing shouldered arms; and let the right hand touch the small stock at the breech, without pressing against it.
Third Motion
75. Let the right hand fall to the right thigh, hanging there, as already indicated.
(Front rank kneeling) = Ready (Appretez =vos Armes)

Position of the front rank
First Motion
76. Turn the musket with the left hand, the lock outwards; seize it with the right hand at the small stock, as in the first motion of loading, and remain facing to the front, turning the point of the left foot a little outward.
77. Throw the right foot smartly to the rear, the heel raised, and the foot resting on the toes of the foot necessarily bent; kneel down with the right knee ten or twelve inches in the rear, and about six inches to the right of the left heel, observing not to come down suddenly bring down the musket, at the same time, with the right hand, and seize it with the left hand at the first band (tail-pipe), near the small swell; place the butt on the ground, without striking it against it; place it in front of the right thigh in such a manner that the fore rounding of the heel of the butt may be opposite to the left heel; and, at the same time, seize the cock between the thumb and the fore-finger.
Third Motion
78. (=Cock, or Ready) (=Armer)
Position of the Second Rank
First Motion
As in the first motion of loading.
Second Motion.
79. Bring the musket with the right hand before the middle of the body; place the left hand with the little finger touching the feather-spring, and the thumb, as high as the chin, pointing upwards along the wood of the stock, the brass plate opposite to the lock being turned almost towards the body, and the ramrod towards the front of the battalion; and apply, at the same time, the thumb of the right hand to the head of the cock, the fore-finger under, and against the guard, and the three other fingers joined to the first.
Third Motion
80. Sink down, smartly, the right elbow, cocking, at the same time, and seize the musket at the small stock.
Position of the Rear Rank.
First, Second and Third Motions.
Done in the same manner as by the men of the centre rank.
=Present (=Joue)
One word and one motion.
81. Sink down, smartly, the muzzle of the piece, slipping the left hand back along the stock, as far as the lower band (tail-pipe); apply the butt to the right shoulder; let the muzzle be below the level of the eyes a little, and the right elbow kept lowered, without being pressed against the body; shut the left eye; look along the barrel with the right eye; sink forward the head towards the butt in order to level; and place the forefinger on the trigger.
82. The men of the third rank only wi11, at the same time step with the right foot eight inches to the right, towards the left heel of the man who is on their right.
Recover = Arms (Redressez =vos Armes)
One word and one motion.
83. Come to the position of recovered arms, firmly, as described under the second motion of ready (Appretez vos Armes), remaining in the third position, after cocking, in the third position.
= Fire (=Feu)
One word and one motion.
84. Apply, with force, the first finger on the trigger, without lowering or turning the head more, and remain in that position.
=Load (= Chargez)
One word and one motion.
85. Drop the musket smartly into the position of the second motion of loading, as described, excepting that the thumb, in lieu of being placed against the frizzen shall, with the fore- finger bent, seize the top of the cock, the other fingers remaining shut. The men of the front rank shall, without stooping forward, smartly spring up, keeping in, or back, the right shoulder, in order to avoid the muskets of the centre rank, and the men of the rear rank shall carry back the right foot behind the left, placing the buckle of the foot against the left heel.
86. When, in this position, the instructor may wish to make the ranks load, he shall give the word.
Half-cock = Musket (Le Chien =au Repos)
One word and one motion.
87. Raise the cock to the half -cock notch, taking care not to cock it; carry the right hand between the butt and the body to the cartridge- box, and open it.
88. When, instead of loading, the ranks are to come to shouldered arms, the instructor shall give the word.
Shoulder = Arms (Portez =vos Armes)
89. At the word shoulder (Portez), the recruits shall half-cock, as has been explained, shut pans, and seize the musket at the small stock. At the word Arms (vos Armes), they shall shoulder smartly and front.
Present =Arms (Presentez =vos Armes).
One word and two motions.
First Motion
90. The same as that of loading, excepting that the recruits remain fronted.
Second Motion
91. Complete the turning inwards of the musket with the right hand, in order to carry it perpendicularly opposite to the left eye, the ramrod in front, and the cock as high as the lowest waistcoat button; holding the musket with the right hand at, and under the guard; seize it smartly, at the same time, with the left hand above the lock, the little finger touching the feather spring, the thumb extended along the barrel and mounting, or stock; keep the left arm, from the elbow, joined to the body, without constraint, and remain fronted, without stirring the feet.
Shoulder = Arms (Portez = vos Armes)
One word and two motions.
First Motion
92. Spring up the musket to the left shoulder with the right hand, turning the barrel outwards, and let fall the left to support it under the butt, the right hand held easy against the breech of the small stock.
Second Motion
93. Let fall the right hand briskly to its position.
Order =Arms (Reposez-vous =sur vos Armes)
One word and two motions.
First Motion
94. Sink down, smartly, the musket to the full extent of the left arm, seizing it, at the same time, with the right hand, above and near the lower band (tail-pipe), at the swell; quit it with the left hand, and carry it opposite the right shoulder , the ramrod in front, the finger behind the barrel, the butt three inches from the ground, the right hand and fore-arm supported against the hip, the musket perpendicular, and the left hand hanging freely by the side.
Second Motion
95. Let the musket slip through the hand, and fall easy to the ground without striking against it, assuming the position about to be described.
Position of the soldier at ordered arms.
Position du Soldat Repose sur l'arme.
96. The hand must be sunk low; the barrel between the thumb and fore-finger extended along the stock, the other three fingers extended and joined; the top of the barrel about two inches from the right shoulder, the ramrod in front; the heel of the butt at the side of, and against
the point of the right foot; and the musket must, in this position, be perpendicular .
97. When the instructor of the drill sees it necessary to make the recruits stand at ease, in this position he will give the word,
Stand at = Ease (=Repos)
98. On hearing this word, the recruit shall extend the hand and arm along the ramrod, supporting the muzzle against the right shoulder .
99. To resume the position of immobility with ordered arms, the instructor will give the word,
1. Attention (Garde à vous)
2. =Platoon (or squad) (=Peloton)
101. At the second word of command, the recruits shall resume the position of standing with ordered arms No.96.
Inspection of Arms
Inspection des Armes
102. The recruits are supposed standing at ordered arms, and will receive the word,
Inspection of =Arms (Inspection =des Armes)
One word and one motion.
103. Face three-quarters to the right, on the left heel, carrying the right foot perpendicularly to the rear of the alignment, six inches from, and forming a right angle with the line of the left; seize the musket smartly, with the left hand raised to the level of the lowest button of the waistcoat, inclining the muzzle to the rear, without moving the butt from its place, the ramrod being turned towards the body, carry at the same time, the right hand to the bayonet, seizing it by the socket and shank in such a manner, that the extremity of the socket may be an inch above the root or heel of the hand, and that in drawing it the thumb may extend on the blade, draw it from the scabbard, carry it to the muzzle of the musket, and fix it there; immediately seize the ramrod, drawing it as has been described in the Platoon Exercise; spring it into the barrel, and then face back immediately to the front into the position of standing at ordered arms No.96.
104. The instructor will then inspect successively the arms of each soldier, by passing in front of the rank. Each soldier, as the instructor passes him, shall raise or recover his musket smartly with the right hand, and shall seize it, with the left hand, between the lower band (tail-pipe ), and feather-spring, the lock being outwards, the left hand as high as the chin, and the musket opposite to the left eye; the instructor shall take, and after having inspected it, shall return it to the soldier , who will take it back with his right hand, and replace it in the position of the ordered arms.
105. When the instructor shall have passed by the recruit, he shall, of his own accord, return his ramrod, turning into the position prescribed at the commencement of inspection of arms, after which he shall again resume his original front.
106. If, instead of inspecting arms, bayonets only are to be fixed, the inspector shall command as follows,
Fix =Bayonets (Baionnette = au Canon)
One word and one motion.
107. Assume the position described, fix bayonets, as has been explained, and front to the original alignment.
108. If, after firing with bayonets fixed, the inspector wishes to have an inspection of arms, with ramrods sprung in the barrel, he will command,
Spring = Ramrods (Baguette = dans le Canon)
One word and one motion.
l09. Put the ramrod into the barrel, as has been described above, and immediately afterwards, face to the front. The recruits shall return ramrods successively, after the inspector passes them, assuming the original front.
110. The soldier, in this case, will not throw up his arms to recover, when the inspector passes in front of him. The instructor wishes to satisfy himself whether or not the musket is loaded, for which purpose he can, to ascertain this, lay hold of the small end of the ramrod, and spring it in the barrel.
Ground = Arms (Vos armes =à Terre)
One word and two motions
First Motion
111. Turn the musket with the right hand, the brass "S" opposite to the lock in front; seize at the same time, with the left hand, the comer of the cartridge-box; bend the body briskly, advancing the left foot, the heel of it as far as the lower band (tail-pipe); and lay down the musket on the ground, straight to the front, the butt always as far to the front as the point of the right foot; the right ham a 1ittle bent, and the right heel raised.
Second Motion
112. Spring up, carrying back the left foot to the side of the right; let go the belt, or leather of the cartridge-box, and let both hands fall to their relative situations, when without arms.
Take up = Arms (Relevez =vos armes)
One word and two motions.
First Motion
113. As in the first compound-motion of grounding arms.
Second Motion
114. Take up the musket, carrying the left foot back, and placing it by the side of the right, immediately turning the musket with the right hand, and bringing the ramrod in front, and at the same time quit the cartridge-box, letting the left hand fall to its proper position.
Shoulder = Arms (Portez =vos Armes)
One word and two motions.
First motion
115. Raise the musket, smartly, with the right hand, carrying it to the left shoulder, and turning it, so that the barrel may be outwards; place, at the same time, the left hand under the butt, letting the right hand fall down to the frizzen.
Second Motion
116. Let fall the right hand, smartly, to its position.
Support = Arms (L'arme =au Bras)
One word and three motions.
First Motion
117. Grasp smartly the musket four full inches below the lock without turning it, and raise it a little.
Second Motion
118. Quit the butt with the left hand, placing the left fore-arm extended across the breast, supporting the cock; the hand on the right breast.
Third motion
119. Let the right hand fall smartly to its position.
Slope =Arms (L'arme =a Volonte)

120. Carry the musket, indifferently, on either shoulder, with one or both hands, the barrel in the air.
Support =Arms (L'arme =au Bras)
121. Resume quickly the position of the third motion included under this command, No.119.
Shoulder = Arms (Portez =vos Armes)
One word and three motions
First Motion
122. Apply briskly the right hand to the small stock, grasping it.
Second Motion
121. Drop the left hand smartly to the butt, to its position under it.
Third Motion
124. Let the right hand drop quickly to the right side, and let the musket, at the same time, sink down to its position at shouldered arms
Unfix, or Return =Bayonet (Remettez =la Baionnette)
One word and three motions.
First Motion
125. Sink down the musket by stretching the left arm, and grasp it, at the same time, with the right hand above, and near the lower band (tail-pipe), at the swell, as directed in the first motion of ordering arms.
Second Motion
126. With the right hand let down the musket along the left thigh to the ground; seize it with the left hand placed above the right, in order to assume the position indicated in the second motion of loading, but without placing the right heel before the buckle of the left foot, and strike off the bayonet with the left hand, returning it into the scabbard, and leaving the right hand near the socket of the bayonet.
Third Motion
127. Throw up the musket to the shoulder with the left hand, seizing it at the small stock with the right hand, and complete the motion of shouldering arms.
Secure = Arms (L'Arme sous le bras = Gauche)
One word and two motions.
First motion
128. Grasp smartly the musket with the right hand, the thumb against the brass "S" opposite to the lock, and the fore-finger against the cock; detach, at the same time, the musket from the shoulder, keeping the barrel outwards, without moving the fore-rounding of the butt from its place; seize the musket at the channel of the lower band (tail- pipe), swell, with the left hand, the thumb extending along the ramrod, the musket perpendicularly opposite to the shoulder, and the left elbow lying flat on the musket.
Second Motion
129. Invert the musket, turning the butt backwards, under the left arm, the left hand remaining at the swell of the lower band (tail-pipe), the thumb pressing against the ramrod to prevent its sliding out, the little finger supported against the hip, and the right hand falling at the same time, into its position at the right side.
Shoulder =Arms (Portez =vos Armes)
One word and two motions.
First Motion
130. Raise up the musket to the shoulder, but not too suddenly, lest the ramrod should be projected from its channel (pipes); seize it, with the right hand, at the small stock, to support it against the shoulder, and quit the hold of the left hand, at the same time placing it, smartly, under the butt.
Second Motion
131. Let the right hand fall quickly into its position, sinking, at the same time, the musket with the left hand, to the proper position of shouldered arms.
Fix = Bayonets (Baionnette = au Canon)
One word and three motions
First Motion
l32 Done as in executing the first motion of returning, or unfixing bayonets.
Second Motion
133. As in the second motion of returning bayonets, excepting that the right hand shall seize the socket of the bayonet, as has been prescribed in describing the inspection of arms, in order to draw it from the scabbard and carry it, smartly, to be fixed at the muzzle; the right hand remaining at the shank of the bayonet.
Third Motion
134. Shoulder arms, as explained in the third movement of returning bayonets.
Charge =Bayonets (Croisez =la Baionnette)
One word and two motions.
First Motion
135. Act as in the first motion of loading, grasping the musket two full inches below the cock, at the small stock.
Second Motion
136. Bring down the musket to the charge with the right hand into the left, which seizes it a tittle before the lower band (tail-pipe), the barrel uppermost, the left elbow near the body, the right hand supported against the hip, and the point of the bayonet as high as the eye. The men in the centre and rear ranks will take care to avoid touching the men in the rank before them with their bayonets.
Shoulder=Arms (Portez =vos Armes
137. Turn to the front on the left heel; bring up the right heel to the side of, and in line with the left; and spring up, at the same time, the musket, with the right hand to the left shoulder, placing the left hand under the butt.
Second Motion
138. Let the right hand fall, quickly to its place.
Trail = Arms (Descendez =vos Armes)
One word and two motions.
First Motion
139. Done as in executing the first movement of ordering arms.
Second Motion
140. Incline forward a little the muzzle of the musket, the butt towards the rear, and about three inches from the ground. The right hand being supported against the hip, will steady the musket in such a manner that the bayonets of the men of the centre and rear ranks will not touch those who are before them.
Shoulder =Arms (Portez =vos Armes)
(Two words and two motions? This command is not divided in the manual as for other commands, movement takes place on both the cautionary and executive parts of the order).
141. At the word shoulder (Portez), throw back the muzzle and forward the butt, so that the musket may be perpendicular in the right hand. At the word Arms (vos Armes), execute what has been directed in shouldering, from ordered arms.
Observations relative to the Manual and Platoon Exercises.
Observations relatives au maniement des armes.
142. These exercises often distort the position of the body of the recruit when not, previously, perfectly established. It becomes, therefore, necessary that the instructor should often, in the course of the lessons, attend to the accuracy of the proper position at shouldered arms, frequently making the recruit assume it.
143. Recruits are also very liable to throw the body into a curved shape, at the small of the back, and the body too far back, especially, when the first motion of loading is dwelt on too long. The instructor, on this account, ought not to retain them, too long, in this position.